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Katie's Diary
Fri, May 13 2005
It's a Friday!
Mood:  cool
Well, I'm glad I got to talk to Roxanne this morning. I tried calling her a couple of times yesterday because I missed her and I just wanted to see how she was. I'm hoping that we can help her out with the situations she's facing.

Lord, please let Brett's behavior swing be just a sympton of his "terrible two's." I swear, he doesn't like to do the things he used to. He doesn't like to wrestle with Tony, or play games with me, or even play outside. He just wants to sit on his butt and watch TV. Well, I won't have it anymore. He thinks he's going to cry and whine at night so he can sleep in our room. Well, I won't have that either. He's going to sleep in his room. That's why it's so difficult for me to deal with him spending the night at his Grammy's because he sleep in her bed, and in my opinion he's way too old for that. I'm his mom, so I think I have a say in that. I just want my sweet happy little boy again.

I gotta get up to the store today to buy some groceries and stamps. I hope I don't forget.

Deana came over last night and helped out quite a bit. I really appreciate that. Suzy went to the karate school and gave me my mother's day gift. It was so pretty. She gave me a picture holder that will go very well with my house.

I guess I'll write more in this later.

What else has scuffy101 at 11:39 AM EDT

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